Sunday, June 17, 2007

America II: The New Planet for Whites & Nigger Earth

"The planet earth is for niggers & the mud people," sache media man & explorer Jeuger Niglery is quoted as saying.

Few men have been able to travel between Latter Day America & America II the way Niglery, over the last two decades has. Since establishing the door way between the two, however, the gate's opened.

New America (America II) is the present day home of many icons, legends & entertainers many think are dead i.e. JFK jr & his wife Carolyn, Elvis Presly & Tupac Shakur all live there.

The Internet, which is still in its infancy state here, is over a century old there. For the most part, it is the digital pathway that has (mistakenly) allowed the two (sister countries) to connect.

"We lost our control of the rate of time at which new technologies are supposed to be released," Neflen Gernig, America II Post publisher, says.

Hidden from maps & globes, America II might be said to exist in the region identified as the Bermuda Triangle and, might, be said to be the earth's gateway to the higher intelligences i.e. the galaxy, extra terrestrials, ect..

Invisible Counters

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